Shiva, a Sanskrit: Shiva, which means "Auspicious One", also known as Mahadeva ( "Great God"), is one of the three main deities of Hinduism. Shiva and Vishnu and Brahma is the one who is not, or found or born or found dead. He is one of five basic forms of God.
At the highest level, Shiva is considered to be limitless, transtsendententalnym, immutable and formless. Shiva also has a lot of benevolent and terrifying forms. The friendly aspects, he is portrayed as omniscient yogi who lived an ascetic life on Mount Kailash as well as a householder and his wife Parvati, and two of his children, Ganesha and Kartikeya. In the fierce aspect, he is often depicted killing demons. Shiva is also considered the patron god of yoga and art.
Lingam- what is it?
Lingam (lingam as Ling Ling, Shiva Lingam Shiv ling) means a sign, symbol or phallus. That he is an abstract representation of the Hindu deity. In traditional Indian society, rather linga is regarded as a symbol of energy and capacity of Lord Shiva.
Lingam is often depicted with the yoni (Sanskrit word, literally means "origin" or "queen"), symbol of the goddess Shakti, the female deity. Combining the lingam and yoni is "two indivisible unity of male and female, active and passive space-time from which life originates.
And the ceremony of which I spoke, the priest and the presence of people poured lingam with milk, since it has the shape of a phallus, the milk flowing down from it was very similar to the sperm, giving a new life. The liturgy has very much of eroticism. I like it.